He&rsquo s the God of all creation
He&rsquo s been good through all the ages
Push or pull He never changes
He never changes
He&rsquo s the God who moves the mountains
He reconciles the broken-hearted
And in Him we&rsquo ve found redemption
A# F
Glory to the One who holds it all
Dm C
Glory to the One who saved my soul
A# F C
To the One who I adore praise the Lord
A# F
Glory to the One who reigns on high
Dm C
Glory to the God who saved my life
A# F C A#
To the One who I adore praise the Lo - rd
He&rsquo s The God who never leaves us
Faithful through the generations
What else can we do but worship
Thank you Jesu - us
A# F
Glory to the One who holds it all
Dm C
Glory to the One who saved my soul
A# F C
To the One who I adore praise the Lord
A# F
Glory to the One who reigns on high
Dm C
Glory to the God who saved my life
A# F C
To the One who I adore praise the Lo - rd
A# F C A#
To the One who I adore praise the Lo - rd
C Dm Am
A# C
All honor and power to Jesus forever
Dm Am
All honor and power to Jesus forever
A# C
All honor and power to Jesus forever
Dm Am
All honor and power to Jesus forever
A# C
All honor and power to Jesus forever
Dm Am
All honor and power to Jesus forever
A# C
All honor and power to Jesus forever
Dm C
All honor and power to Jesus
A# F
Glory to the One who holds it all
Dm C
Glory to the One who saved my soul
A# F C
To the One who I adore praise the Lord
A# F
Glory to the One who reigns on high
Dm C
Glory to the God who saved my life
A# F C
To the One who I adore praise the Lo - rd
A# F C
To the One who I adore praise the Lo - rd
A# F C A#
To the One who I adore praise the Lo - rd