Tono: E
E B/D# A2/C# B/D#
E B/D# A2/C# B/D# E B/D# A2/C# B/D#
Glo - ry, to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth
E B/D# A2/C# B/D# E B/D# A2/C# B/D#
Oh, Lord God, Heavenly King, Almighty God and Fa - ther
A2 B E G#m7 A2
We wor - ship You we give You Thanks
A2 B E G#m7 A2
We praise You for Your gl - o - ry
A2 G#m7 C#m7 A2 G#m7 C#m7 B
Glo - ry to God, glo - ry to God
E B/D# A2/C# B/D#
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father
E B/D# A2/C# B/D#
Oh, Lord God, Lamb of God
A2 B E G#m7 A2 B E G#m7 A2
You take away the sin of the world, have mer - cy o - n us
A2 B E G#m7 A2
You are sea - ted at the Father&rsquo s right hand
A2 G#m7 C#m7 A2 G#m7 C#m7 B
Recei - ve our prayer, recei - ve our prayer
E G#m7 A2 B
For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord
E G#m7 A2 B
You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ
C#m7 B E G#m7 A2
With the Holy Spirit, in the Glory of God the Father
E G#m7 A2
In the Glory of God the Father
A2 B C#m7 B A2 B E E4 E
A - men, a - men