Tono: A
Introducción: Am
Em Am Em
She sat down below a thorn
Am G Dm Am
Fine flowers in the valley
G F Em
And there she hugged her sweet babe born
Am E7 Am D9 F G Am G Am G
And the green leaves they grow rarely
Am Em Am Em
"Smile na sae sweet, my bonnie babe"
Am G Dm Am
Fine flowers in the valley
G F Em
"An ye smile sae sweet, ye will smile me deid"
Am E7 Am D9 F G Am G Am G
And the green leaves they grow rarely
Am Em Am Em
She's ta'en oot her wee pen knife
Am G Dm Am
Fine flowers in the valley
G F Em
And twined the sweet babe o' it's life
Am E7 Am D9 F G Am G Am G
And the green leaves they grow rarely
Am Em Am Em
She's howket a grave by the light o' the moon
Am G Dm Am
Fine flowers in the valley
G F Em
An' there she's buried her sweet babe in
Am E7 Am D9 F G Am G Am G
And the green leaves they grow rarely
Am Em Am Em
As she was going to the church
Am G Dm Am
Fine flowers in the valley
G F Em
She saw a sweet babe in the porch
Am E7 Am D9 F G Am G Am G
And the green leaves they grow rarely
Am Em Am Em
"O sweet babe, an' thou wert mine"
Am G Dm Am
Fine flowers in the valley
G F Em
"I wad cleed thee in the silk sae fine"
Am E7 Am D9 F G Am G Am G
And the green leaves they grow rarely
Am Em Am Em
"Oh, mother dear, when I was thine"
Am G Dm Am
Fine flowers in the valley
G F Em
"Ye did'na prove tae me sae kind"
Am E7 Am D9 F G Am G Am G F G Am G Am G
And the green leaves they grow rarely