Deliver Us Prince Of Egypt

Tono: E


difícil |||||
                          Em                                                      B/E  
With the sting of the whip on my shoulder
                        B7/E                                                 Em                    E/G#  
With the salt of my sweat on my brow
        Am                                 D  
Elohim, God on high
Help us now
                        E7sus         E
     Am                 E/G#    Am  
Deliver us
Hear our call
     Dm                 F      G  
Deliver us
Lord of all
     E7            Am                                         D              E  
Remember us, here in this burning sand
     Am                 E/G#    Am  
Deliver us
                                          B    Em    D/G    A  
There's a land you promised us
     Am                                    Am/B    B         E5                      Em  
Deliver us to the promised land...
Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach
(My good and tender son)
                Em                                         E/G#  
Al ti-ra veh al tif-chad
(Don't be frightened and don't be scared)
        Am                            D                              Bm  
My son, I have nothing I can give
                        C/E                                            F  
But this chance that you may live
E7                      Am                      E/G#      Am  
If He will Deliver us
                             of Chorus
Am                      E/G#    Am  
Deliver us
Hear our prayer
Dm                      F    G  
Deliver us
From despair
                E7                    Am  
These years of slavery grow
             D                      E  
too cruel to stand
     Am                    E/G#    Am  
Deliver us
                                        B      Em    D/G    A  
There's a land you promised us
Deliver us
                  Am/B    B    C#m7  
Out of bondage and
     Am                                    Am/B    B         C                 Dm7    C  
Deliver us to the promised land...
C                              Dm7/C  
Hush now, my baby
          C                                            Dm7/C  
Be still, love, don't cry
C                                      Dm7/C                         C  
Sleep as you're rocked by the stream
Ab                    Eb                         Bbm7              C  
Sleep and remember my last lullaby
Ab/G                              G/F                              C            Dm7/C    C  
So I'll be with you when you dream
D                         Em7/D  
River, o river
                D                      Em7/D  
Flow gently for me
D                                    Em7/D            D  
Such precious cargo you bear
Bb                            F  
Do you know somewhere
Cm7                         D  
he can live free?
Bb         A/G                         D                 Em7/D      D  
River, deliver him there...
C                                         Dm7/C  
Brother, you're safe now
             C                            Dm7/C  
And safe may you stay
Ab                      Eb  
Grow, baby brother
Bbm7                         C  
Come back someday
Ab                 G/F                 Am  
Come and deliver us, too...
  Am                    E    Am  
Deliver us
                             B                 Em    D/G    A  
Send a shepherd to shepherd us
                Am                                    Am/B    B      C  
And deliver us to the promised land
Am7                                      Am/B    B      E                    F#m7/E      E  
Deliver us to the promised land
Deliver us!