Tono: G
G2 Em7 C2 D
Break through the chains in my life
G2 Em7 C2 G/B Am7
Tear down the strongholds and the walls
Am7/D G2 Em7 C2 D
De - liv - er me from all bondage and strife
G2 Em7 C Am7
That I may hear when You call
D G2 Bm7 Em7 Am11
And give You my all O Lord my all
C/D D G2 Bm7 Em7 Am11
I give You my all O Lord my all
C C7+ D G2 Bm7 Em7 Am11
I give You my all O Lord my all
C/D D G2 G
I give You my all
F2 C2 G2 G
Lord my sole desire is to serve You
F2 C2 G Am7 G/B
To honor You in everything I do
C2 Bb/D Eb Bb/D
I surrender and lay down my life to You
Cm7 Bb/D C/D D
Holy Spirit come now and break through