Tono: G
G Am7 G/B C Am7 Am7/GCº G
I'll have a blue Christ - mas with - out you
G Am7G/B G7 Dm7 GFº C
I'll be so blue think - ing a - bout you.
C Em7 Gm7 Eº A7Gm7EºA7 Dm Eº Gº Dm Dm7
Dec - o - ra - tions of red on a green Christ - mas tree
D7 Am7 D9 D7 Am7
Won't mean a thing, Dear,
D9 G G/F# Am7EºD7
If you're not here with me
G Am7 G/B C Am7 Cº G
I'll have a blue Christmas, that's certain
G Am7 G/B G7 Dm7 G Fº C
And when that blue heart - ache starts hurt - in',
C Em7 Gm7 EºA7 Gm7
Eº A7 Dm A7
With your Christ - mas of white,
D7(9) G Dm7G7 G7/6 C9 C Dm7
But I'll have a blue, blue Christ - mas.