Tono: B
Bb F C F
Alle, alle, allelu ? ia, alle, alle, allelu ? ia.
F F7 Bb F C F F7
Alle, alle, allelu ? ia. Alle, alle, alle, alle ? lu - ia.
Bb F C F
Alle, alle, alle, alle ? lu - ia.
Father, Father, maker of the world. Father, Father, cre-ator of the earth.
F F7 Bb F C F F7
Father, Father, speaker of the word. Make us, Father, break us Father, mold us in your ways.
Bb F C F
Make us, Father, break us, Father, mold us in your ways.
Alle, alle, allelu ? ia, alle, alle, allelu ? ia.
F F7 Bb F C F F7
Alle, alle, allelu ? ia. Alle, alle, alle, alle ? lu - ia.
Bb F C F
Alle, alle, alle, alle ? lu - ia.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus is the way. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus is the truth.
F F7 Bb F C F F7
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus is the life. Jesus is the way, he is the truth, he is the life.
Bb F C F
Jesus is the way, he is the truth, he is the life.
Alle, alle, allelu ? ia, alle, alle, allelu ? ia.
F F7 Bb F C F F7
Alle, alle, allelu ? ia. Alle, alle, alle, alle ? lu - ia.
Bb F C F D7
Alle, alle, alle, alle ? lu - ia.
G D D7 G
Spirit, Spirit, come down on us, Lord. Spirit, Spirit, rain down on us, Lord.
G G7 C G D7 G G7
Spirit, Spirit, flood us with your pow'r. Fill us with the light of God, oh, fill us with your pow'r.
C G D7 G
Fill us with the light of God, oh, fill us with your pow'r.
G D D7 G
Alle, alle, allelu ? ia, alle, alle, allelu ? ia.
G G7 C G D7 G G7
Alle, alle, allelu ? ia. Alle, alle, alle, alle ? lu - ia.
C G D7 G G7
Alle, alle, alle, alle ? lu - ia.
C G/D D7 G G7
Alle, alle, alle ? lu - ia.
C G/D D7 G
Alle, alle, allelu - ia. Alle.