E7 A7
Hey you! Yea you over there
I hope you have a great day
Cause someone&rsquo s got to
Cause I&hellip I think I really would want to
I think I really would like to
A7 E7
To be sincere for just one fucken day
F7 F#7 G7 G#7
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7
It&rsquo s just one day
A7 E7
I swear it&rsquo ll be just one day
E7 A7
I don&rsquo t want to break the world today
A7 E7
Let&rsquo s just break the world some other day
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7
Those others yea you know the ones
No fun but I&rsquo m just as boring so maybe
Maybe we could hit the road together
To a 7/11 or&hellip
Or maybe to grab some gas or&hellip
A7 E7
Let&rsquo s just take your dads car to go far far faraway from here
F7 F#7 G7 G#7
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7
It&rsquo s just one day
A7 E7
I swear it&rsquo ll be just one day
E7 A7
I don&rsquo t want to break the world today
A7 E7
Let&rsquo s just break the world some other day
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7
There&rsquo s just a small lingering
Nothing like end of the world
But it&rsquo s a tit for tat for those who just finish way to fast
I thought you were gluten free
You just ate a muffin it's your cheat week?
A7 E7
Fuck it I guess eat and drink and be merry we're all gonna die someday
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
F7 F#7 G7 G#7
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7
It&rsquo s just one day
A7 E7
I swear it&rsquo ll be just one day
E7 A7
I don&rsquo t want to break the world today
A7 E7
Let&rsquo s just break the world some other day
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7
E7 A7 E7
A7 E7