Lyrics You Need Some Hope

Some nightmares can go through
A few long nights
Some people say it's just dark memories
That persist to come in your mind
The waiting for tomorrow
Can take a long, long looong time
You don't have all this patience my friend
So just do what you think is right
But, what's right?
To be in peace or disturb my mind?
Maybe create the peace
With the chaos in your heart
Yes! The chaos and the peace
They can co-exist
So free your fears and have trust
Something that's more, than you think
Sit down and watch the trees
Standing alone with the falling leaves
Waiting for spring and melodies
That never come
It's time to change the road
Keep your way on this water flow
You can't live for dark memories
You need some hope
Can you see that little bird
Flying so high?
Spreading wings and dancing between the clouds,
Gliding through the sky
So why do you harden your feet
And don't move to the next step?
Is it so hard to reveal your faults and your losses?
Just sing them to the world.