Lyrics of
Without Love You Can Save The World

10,000 hours in anything makes you an expert
And I've spent way more time than that frettin' over guys
I've got a B.F.A., an M.F.A., a Ph.D. in obsession
And now I find myself wondering why
I could have used that time to cure leukemia
I could have used that time to clean the seas
I could have taught some teens awareness of bulimia
I could have saved the pandas, whales, and bees
Without love, you can save the world
Put those hours to good use instead
Without love, you can save the world
Sing out, branch out, get out of your own head
Hey, guys!
Peace and love!
But not love
Love's a real time suck, it really gets your mind stuck
On things that later on, you'll be like, "Why?"
Like when's he gonna text or when will I see him next?
Then suddenly the lakes have all gone dry
And it's all your fault!
Without love, you can save the world
Save the world!
Clear space in your brain for better things
Better things!
Without love, you can save the world (save the world!)
Not being tied to a bed can really give you wings
Conserve your mental energy
To research conserving energy
Don't raise hell
Raise money for local schools
Now that you've got time
Take the leash off your hog
And use that leash to walk rescue dogs
Love is blind
But without love
You can actually help the blind
It's an asexual utopia!
Without love, you can save the world (save the world!)
Forget who you did, think about what you can do (what you can do!)
Without love, you can save the world (save the world!)
Change doesn't start with him, change starts with you
It starts with you!
Not who you screw (not who you screw!)
It starts with you!
Without love