Lyrics Watership Down

Watership down
Carried around
There's a story to be told
for the young, for the old
it might hidden in the distance
with your ears to the ground
whisper it loud
carry the sound
of the footstep so lone
on a eden for a home
of a grand another dangers
of a greatness self become
I can feel that better days
becoming, becoming
I can see them thru the haze
Watership down
carried around
there's a story to be told
For the young, for the old
it might hidden in the distance
with your ears to the ground
whisper it loud
Carry the sound
of the footstep so lone
on a eden for a home
of a grand another dangers
of a greatness self become
I can feel that better days
becoming, becoming
I can see them thru the haze