Lyrics of
Trickster Prayer

Jokers wild, cloudy skies,
lights go down, new sunrise,
temple burns, mothers weep.
Trickster, guard my fitful sleep.
Aces high, spirits low,
always on with the show.
Rules to break, vows to keep.
Trickster, guard my fitful sleep.

"Poker Face", Suckerpunch,
"Amazing Grace", Naked Lunch,
Battlestar, Quantum Leap;
Trickster, guard my fitful sleep.
Spider song, rabbit silk,
jackal purr, raven's milk;
fairy tales softly creep.
Trickster, guard my fitful sleep.

I know you've been
as gentle as you can
in sleeping or in waking.
I keep my courage
very close at hand
and pretend I am

Heavy crown, thistledown,
wicked smile, silly frown.
Love's embrace, no mistake.
Trickster, guide me when I wake.
Cuddle tight. Kill the light.
Bring the love and not the fight.
Morning coffee, evening tears;
Trickster, please stay right here.

Trickster, please stay right here

Oh, I know you'll be
as gentle as you can.
I'll be at my bravest,
stick to the road,
follow all the plan,
no matter how
it changes.