Lyrics of
Treat Me Good

Don't use me
Don't tease me
Don't hurt me
Don't mess with my head
Don't flaunt me
Don't laugh at me
Talk about me
Or ignore what I said
But you can treat me good
Anytime you like
Show me some kindness if I'm lucky tonight
You can treat me good anytime at all
A little caring's all I'm asking for
These are the lyrics for the second verse. Play the same chords
Every time I get home
You're suspicious of where I've been
And who I've seen
You're so jealous of any little thing
That takes up my time
It don't have to be that way baby
There's an interlude thingy here where James does heaps
Then it goes to the third verse
Don't hit me
Play this chorus twice.
Then theres an outro sort of thing.