Lyrics of
Torah Song; Open Your Ears Oh Faithful People

1. O -pen your ears, oh faithful people
O -pen your ears and hear God's word
O -pen your hearts, oh royal priest hood
God has come to you
God has spoken, to his people, Hal-le-lu-jah
And his words are words of wisdom, Hal-le-lu-jah
God has spoken, to his people, Hal-le-lu-jah
And his words are words of wisdom, Hal-le-lu-jah
2. They who have ears to hear the message
They who have ears then let them hear
They who would learn the way of wisdom
Let them hear God's word
3. Is-rael comes to greet the Savior
Ju-dah is glad to see his day
From east and west the peoples travel
He will show the way
1. Open your ears, oh faithful people
Open your ears and hear God's word
O-pen your hearts, oh royal priest hood
God has come to you