Lyrics of
Thunder In M Heart

Standing here a - lone with you
Wondering what it is that -
I'm sup - posed to do
There you are with a love light in your eyes
The bridges I've burnt down your -
arms are open wide.
Is this the real thing I don't know -
'cos I've never been there before.
and I feel a thunder in my heart
That I just can't con - trol
I feel a thunder in my heart
Should I walk away - or follow my soul.
I feel a thunder in my heart
Where it comes from I just don't know.
Oh no Oh no
There's a storm raging deep in my soul
Em D+sus2/A
There's a howling wind I just can't con - trol
There's a fire inside me I can't explain
Em D+sus2/A
Every - time you touch me my love falls like rain
I've only know you for an hour or more
The time is standing still your love has opened up the door.
I feel a thunder in my heart
that takes my breath a - way
I feel a thunder in my heart
Will I ever be the same
I feel a thunder in my heart
It's telling me you're here to stay
Oh ho Oh ho -
Oeh yea - Oh ho
There's a thunder in my heart
There's a thunder in my heart
There's a thunder in my heart.
There's a thunder in my heart
Take me baby I'm all yours
Em D+sus2/A
Do just what you wanna do with my love.
Let's not let the night over - take us 'cause -
Em D+sus2/A
What's happening right now may make or break us
Do you feel the way I do
Open up your heart now baby, I'm coming through.
I feel a thunder in my heart
taking my breath a - way
I feel a thunder in my heart
since I met you I've never be the same
I feel a thunder in my heart
and I know you're here to stay (start fading )
I feel a thunder in my heart
I know I never never con - trol
I feel a thunder in my heart