Lyrics of
Theres Nothing As Sweet As My Baby

I like can-dy, I like cake, I like jam but good-ness sake, there's
no-thing as sweet as my ba-by!
Gol-den hair and big blue eyes, she could win a beau-ty prize,
There's no-thing as sweet as my ba-by!
If I ev-er lose her, I'll lay me down and die, if
Su-gar seems sweet then you ought-a meet, my
hon-ey-coat-ed su-gar-pie
I like can-dy, I like cake, I like jam but good-ness sake, there's
no-thing as sweet as my ba-by!
I like can-dy, I like cake, I like jam but good-ness sake, there's
no-thing as sweet as my ba-by!
I feel like a ho-ney bee, when she's buzz-in' round with me, there's
No-thing as sweet as my ba-by! Get
Pounds of can-dy kiss-es, but I can't spare an ounce, she's
She's sweeter than wine, and broth-er she's mine, and
that's the on-ly thing that counts.
I like can-dy, I like cake, I like jam but good-ness sake, there's
No-thing as sweet as my ba-by!