Lyrics of
Theres Good Cud

Wounded spawn from our devil's open sore
Was even more bloody than before
Said don't you get me don't you spoil the air with all your craziness
Don't you get me
Fuck you you don't you you get me!
(the little lick below comes after the last A chord. This is how I play it, so I strike
Verse 2
There's good cud there's dead good sticker sing
Mercy alive hot dog love's a-winning
Don't you get me don't you spoil the air with all your craziness
Don't get for all time
All this whole carcass of mine
(I tend to use a whammy pedal to achieve the high pitches in this, but below shows the
(Then after the solo strike an A chord and dip the tremolo arm down, or bend the neck)
Verse 3
I'm a wastrel I'm a sister's boy
Mercy alive hot dog love's in oh joy
Said don't you get me don't you spoil the air with all your craziness
Don't you get me
Get someone else don't get me!
(Tim's voice trails off, then come back in with the final chords)