Lyrics The Seven Angels

You've been fighting for your soul
And sometimes it takes a toll
Hope one day you'll understand
What it means to hold in hands
What they call a fantasy
It is nothing but a key
To the world that now you're in
That they call a wicked dream
When you're walking on your own
When you're broken and alone
You may feel us from inside -
on the other side of life.
Ohohohoh (...) ohohoh
(keep repeating this Ohohoh until the end)
I've been fighting for my soul
And sometimes it takes a toll
Hope one day we'll understand
What it means to hold in hands
What we call a fantasy
But it's nothing but a key
To the world that now I'm in
That we call a wicked dream
(Keep repeating this too, and uppon the other voices:)
Oh, walking on my own
When I'm broken and
I may feel you from inside
From the other side of li...i...ife
(now just the "Ohohoh" and fade out)