Lyrics of
The Jungle Book - The Bare Necessities

The Bare Necessities, composed by Terry Gilkyson, was written for the 1967 Disney film The Jungle Book. It was initially crafted for an earlier, abandoned version of the movie but was kept when Disney revamped the project. The song conveys Baloos philosophy of living a simple and joyful life. The Bare Necessities emerged as one of the most iconic and cherished songs from the film, even earning an Oscar nomination for Best Original Song.

Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities
Forget about your worry and your strife
I mean the bare necessities old Mother Nature's recipes
That bring the bare necessities of life
Wherever I wander, wherever I roam, I couldn't be fonder of my big home
The bees are buzzin' in the tree to make some honey just for me
When you look under the rocks and plants and take a glance at the fancy ants,
and maybe try a few
The bare necessities of life will come to you, they'll come to you