Lyrics of
The Five Nights At Freddys Song

All the kids are filing out
but I'm just showing up
for my first
day at work.
I've always loved large animals
and I'm really into robots
and those
are just two of the perks.
There's Bonnie the Bunny
Freddy the Bear
Chica the Chicken
or is she a duck ?
I don't care,
it's the whole gang.
Don't worry guys
I'm gonna keep you safe
Look at my eyes,
everything's gonna be okay
Uh, oh ok, you can stop looking into my eyes,
it's getting kind of creepy
Ring ring, ring ring
Oh I'm getting a call, put it on speaker
Hello, hello friend
welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria!
It's your first day on the job
I just wanted to call up and say
No danger whatsoever!
Nothing bad could ever happen to you here,
you are not going to be killed in any way
by any of the animatronics.
Your eyes aren't going to explode ou-
Excuse me?
the part about killing me,
could you clarify that?
I'm sorry, this is a pre-recorded message
Anyway this is all a whole bunch of
elaborate backstory to basically
set up a game
that's just going to jump scare you
Chica's in the window
Bonnie's leaning in
and judging by that camera
Freddy's not my friend.
They don't look so happy
but nothing can go wrong
if I keep both of these doors down
and all of the lights on
The power's gone.
Five Nights at Freddy's
gettin' 120 a week
and they're not even responsible
for dismemberment
or injury!
I only need one night to know
that I don't want night two
or have my body
mangled, crushed, and stuffed
inside a Freddy Fazbear suit!
I'm not working five nights at Freddy's!
I'm quitting this job!
Who wants minimum wage
to get murdered by a robot mob?
I only need one night to know
that I don't want night two
or have my eyes pertrude
out of the eyeholes
of an animatronic suit