Lyrics The Breakdown

These days I’ve been lying wide awake, yeah
These days I’ve been learning what a heartbreak
Feels Like. I’ve been tossing and turning but my heart keeps burning for you.
You can throw me outside, tell me find my own ride, but I swear I won’t learn how to love anyone
but you.

I tell you that “you know you’re worth the wait”.
You tell me I should turn and walk away
But I don’t. And I watch you go be with whoever he is this week.
You can tell me I’m wrong,that you don’t lead guys on. If you’re hearing this song promise me
that you won’t sing along.

Listen up, this is how it’s always been.
You’d fall in love just to do it all again, but not
me. Spending all of my days finding new ways to get to you.
You can think what you want about me and this song, but I want you to think about all that you
Put me through.