Lyrics of
Sweet Virginia

Sweet Virginia is a song by the Rolling Stones featured on their 1972 album Exile on Main St. It was recorded between July 1971 and March 1972. The song conveys a country vibe and was partially inspired by the bands experiences during their self-imposed tax exile in France. Its lyrics suggest a theme of redemption and overcoming, with references to moving past drug use.

Wading through the waste stormy winter
and there's not a friend to help you through
Trying to stop the waves behind your eyeballs
Drop your reds drop your greens an' blues

Thank you for your wine California
Thank you for your sweet and bitter fruits
Yes I got the desert in my toenail
And I hid the speed inside my shoes

Come on, come on down, Sweet Virginia
Come on, honey child I beg of you
Come on, come on down, you got it in you
Got to scrape that shit right off your shoes

Come on, come on down, Sweet Virginia
Come on, honey child I beg of you
Come on, honey child, you got it in you
Got to scrape that shit right off your shoes

Come on, come on down, Sweet Virginia
Come on, come on down, I beg of you
Come on, come on down, you got it in you
Got to scrape that shit right off your shoes