Lyrics of
Suspicious Minds

Suspicious Minds is a song written by Mark James. After the failure of its original version in 1968, it became one of Elvis Presleys biggest hits when released in 1969. The song tackles the trust issues within a relationship and is considered one of Elviss signature songs. It was notable for rejuvenating Presleys career, marking his return to the charts after a series of commercially unsuccessful movies.

We're caught in a trap; I can't walk out
because I love you too much, baby.
Why can't you see, what you're doing to me,
when you don't believe a word I say?

We can't go on together, with Suspicious Minds;
and we can't build our dreams, on Suspicious Minds.

So, if an old friend I know, drops by to say hello,
would I still see suspicion in your eyes?
Here we go again, asking where I've been.
You can see these tears are real I'm crying.

We can't go on together, with Suspicious Minds;
and we can't build our dreams, on Suspicious Minds
Oh, let our love survive,
I'll dry the tears from your eyes.
Let's don't let a good thing die, when honey,
you know I've never, lied to you; Mmm, yeah, yeah!

We're caught in a trap; I can't walk out
because I love you too much, baby.
Why can't you see, what you're doing to me,
when you don't believe a word I say?

I'm caught in a trap; I can't walk out
because I love you too much, baby