Lyrics of
Split Up The Kids

Brought out all the kids, waited for their voices to quiet.
Girls go with your mother, a better house, new Dad and bigger town.
We'll stay just the same, we'll just stay the same.
Boys this house is haunted, I hear them in the aching of the grain.
Grab the saw and hammer, build a brand new start, a brand new house just ten feet down.
We'll stay just the same, we'll just stay the same.
It's like she's barely even there.

Peeking out the window, waiting for their voices to quiet.
Grandpa slammed the car door, driving through the woods and out of sight.
She has come too soon, that Sunday afternoon.
Gray is in their hair now, still the anger shows in waxen brows.
We'll stay just the same, we'll just stay the same
It's like he's barely even there.

Before his open coffin, Grandma stands beside the fifty years she left behind.
Sadness holds me tighter, seeing them together just one time.
It's like I'm barely even there.