Lyrics of
Sophisticated Lady

They say into your ear - ly life ro - mance came,
And in this heart of yours burned a flame,
A flame that flick-ered one day and died a - way.
Then, with dis - il - lu - sion deep in your eyes,
You learned that fools in love soon grow wise.
The years have changed you some - how. I see you now
Smo - king and drink - ing,
Nev - er think - ing of to - mor - row, non - chal - ant,
Dia - monds shi - ning,
Danc - ing, di - ning with some man in a res - tau - rant.
Is that all you real - ly want?
No, Soph - is - ti - ca - ted La - dy,
I know you miss the love you lost long a - go,
And when no - bod - y is nigh, you cry,
You cry, you cry.