Lyrics of
Smoking In The Boys Room

b = bend note
h = hammer on
(I usually delete the following vocal vamp, and go right into
the first verse)
Sitting in the classroom
thinking it's a drag.
Listening to the teacher
well just aint my bag.
The noon bells ring
you know that's my cue.
I'm gonna meet the boys
on floor number two
Smokin' in the Boys Room, Yes indeed, I was
Smokin' in the Boys Room
Now teacher don't you fill me
up with your rules.
Everybody knows that
A (2 measures)
Guitar Lead: (Chords are same as Harmonica Lead)
Third Verse: (Chord patterns are same as Verse 1)
They put me to work
Smokin' in the Boys Room, Yes indeed, I was
Smokin' in the Boys Room
Now teacher, I am Fully
aware of the rules.
Everybody knows that
Smoking aint allowed in school.
( *)