Lyrics of
Small Voice - Dear Daisy To You

the daisy in the sun,
Who makes this dull world fun.
May the world be kind;
For you are a tough find.
May you feel loved;
Cause His love comes from above.
May your smiles come in plenty.
May your heart never grow empty.
May joy find you now.
May your demons always bow;
For you are our blessing.
Now, you'd best be listening.
Sweet daisy, may you always be in bloom,
Your petals fight off the gloom.
Remember, God is your groom
And your love will be coming soon.
Darling daisy, may your roots never go dry,
For one day you'll fly
To grassy plains and mountains high.
Just don't forget who gave you the sky.
To you, yes, you.
My friend who shines bright;
Who takes my breath away at her sight.
Please, dear sister, never forget this night.
For you, I would fight;
For you, I'd save that light.
I love you.
Yes, I love you.
I love you.
Yes, you.