Lyrics of
Shot Heard Round The World

Music and Lyrics by Bob Dorough, ABC Music corp.
Spoken: "The British are coming! The British are coming!"
Now the ride of Paul Revere
set the nation on its ear
'And the shot at Lexington heard 'round the world
When the British fired in the early dawn
the war of independence had begun
the die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled
And On to Concord marched the foe
to seize the arsenal there you know
Awakin' folks and searching all around
So our militia stopped them in their tracks
at the old North Bridge we turned them back
And chased those redcoats back to Boston town
Now the shot heard round the world
was the start of the revolution
The minutemen were ready, on the move
Take your powder take your guns
report to General Washington
hurry men there's not an hour to lose
God bless America
Let freedom ring
the original nonconformist