Lyrics of
See You Sometime

Where are you now?
Are you in some ho-tel room
Does it have a view?
Are you caught in a crowd
Or holding some ho- - -ney
Who came on to you?
Why do you have to be so jive?
Okay, hang up the phone
It hurts, but some-thing survives
Though it’s un- -der-mined
I would still like to see you sometime
I’m feeling so good
And my friends all tell me
That I’m looking fine
I run in the woods
I spring from the boul- -ders
Like a mama lion
I’m not ready to change
My name again, but you know I’m not after a piece
Of your for- tune and your fame
'Cause I tas- ted mine
I’d just like to see you sometime
Pack your sus-pen-ders
I’ll come meet your plane
No need to surrender
I just want to see you again
We’re in for more rain
I could sure use some sun- - shine
On my apple trees
It seems such a shame
We start off so kind
And end so heartlessly
I couldn’t take them all
On then with a head full of questions
And hypes, so when the hopes got so slim
I just re-signed
But I’d just like to see you sometime
I would sure like to see you