Lyrics of
Remember Diana

Everybody remembers Diana and just how much
I loved her.
I wrote a song about her how wrong could I be?
Oh, well, she went and found another (found another
love) she found another lover (found another love.)
She didn't even bother (found another love) to say
goodbye to me.
Things have changed, she's found another yes, things
have changed, she's found another lover.
Things have changed she didn't say goodbye instead,
she made me cry.
Diana, I'll learn to live without her yes, I'll forget
about her, just wait and see.
Things will change, I'll find another lover things will
change, I'll learn to live without her.
Things will change I'm gonna make her cry I'm gonna say
goodbye to
Diana, I'll say goodbye forever, and that I'll never, ever
remember Diana.
Everybody remembers Diana and just how much
I loved her.
I wrote a song about her how wrong could I be?
Oh, well, she went and found another (found another
love) she found another lover (found another love.)
She didn't even bother (found another love) to say
goodbye to me.
Oh, well, she went and found another (found another
love) she found another lover (found another love.)
She didn't even bother (found another love) to say
goodbye to me (Fade.)
A sixties smash from Kraziekhat.