Lyrics of
Ready For Love

As far as I can tell, the verse just follows a simple arpeggio
chord progression (A,C,D,C,B,A,G,F). I don't know the actual
[A]Rolling on [G]to the bitter [F]end
but I like it in there!)
My notation here is kinda strange. You should really smack
the second time (staccato??) If you listen to the record
it'll be pretty self explanitory)
Then on to the chorus, which is just G,A,C,D
[G]Rea[A]dy for love [G][A] Oh baby I'm
At the end of the chorus is a decending riff, like the verse.
That's pretty much the song. I haven't compared it too closely
to the album, so I'm sure there are mistakes. But it sounds