Lyrics of

Jesus it's a beautiful day
I'm so deep in your mercy
I could swim in your grace
Lord the only thing I want to say
Radiate in me
I'm falling in love with you
I'm falling in love with you
Jesus I want nothing more
Than to radiate Your love O Lord
I'm falling in love with you
So radiate in me
verse 2
Jesus radiate in me today
Let me be a light for You
In a world that seems so grey
Lord I offer up this song of praise, so
Radiate in me
I'm falling in love with you
I'm falling in love with you
Jesus I want nothing more
Than to radiate Your love O Lord
I'm falling in love with you
I'm falling in love with you
I'm falling in love with you
Jesus I want nothing more
Than to radiate Your love O Lord
I'm falling in love with you, so
Radiate in me
Radiate in me
Radiate in me
Radiate in me
verse 3
Jesus radiate in me today
Let me be a light for You
In a world that seems so grey
Lord the only thing I want to say
Is that I love you