Lyrics of
Psalm 139 Far Too Wonderful

You wrote the story of my life
You go before you fall behind
Before a breathe beyond my death
You are with me on the way to everlasting
I can't run and I can't hide
Even darkness is a light
From the lowest place to the highest praise
You are wor - thy
Amazing love, how can it be
Far too wonderful for me
There's only one left to say
You are wor - thy
Ooooh, ooooh
Search me God and know my heart
Try me, know my anxious thoughts
Find the wickedness in me
And lead me in the way, everlasting
You formed in my mother's womb
You know my frame, my flesh and bone
I'm wonderfully made
I can't describe it's way too high
You see me through and through
And call me loved
What a wonderful grace
Oooooh, oooooh