There is no price to pay
No reckoning
Immortality is a shelter
Where no fear can now reach
Boasting the joys of life
Living is only a party
For those who were not warned
That eternity is a curse
Unbreak - a - ble a hard shell
One more night, One more drink
Drawing one more life
A short existence
Who cares about some years lost?
Before the eternity
No accident will be fatal
There is not plague
That can corrupt
One by one
They are gone
Forgotten in time lost
All the tears
All the years
Eternity shall erase them all
Facing the mirror
What still remains?
What is left from the man once lived?
There is a feeling something is wrong
But the end of it is so close
There's no end
That inside
Our time stood still
Embrace death
The final breath
The only desire
Of a man who's lost everything
The past echoes
resent flows
There is no future
The beginning
Of the end
Because the song you hear
Is the prelude of the hell