Lyrics Pickers Lament

And they told me that you'd moved away.
I was hopin' that I'd get to see you,
We had many things left to say.
We played 20 years on the road then,
Many places I can't quite recall.
It was the best of times then and I'd do it again,
But time robs the choice from us all.
I guess that the boys have all drifted away,
I guess that we'll never quite know
But I'm hopin' they're playin' in some little bar,
It makes me feel good to think so.
Well I came here this mornin' to see you
I've been travelin' from so far away
I needed to see you just one more time
I needed to know what you'd say
Did we ever make hearts sore with feeling?
Did we ever bring a tear to their eye?
Were the songs that we played just some vague masquerade
As we'd grab for their money and ride?
Well I came here to see you this mornin',
But they told me that you'd moved away.
I was hopin' that I'd get to see you,
We had many things left to say.