Lyrics of
Outta My Mind

I've been waiting for the right time
To let u know that I've been looking for u all of my life
Feels like walking on a lans__lide
Let me take u, take u down, eh
Uh, uh baby I need u here in my life
Uh baby I can't let u out of my sight
Uh, baby I don't care if u aren't my type
Don't even I know u but I can't get u out of my mind
(I can't get u, I can't get u,get u outta my mind)
But I can't get u outta my mind
Girl, u know u got it ea__sy
U got me tossin' and turning thinking of what we could be
I've been searching for word
But how to say
Everything I need to
Everything I need to
I been tryna get u out of my sight, and outta my mind
U been hooked to me for 40 days and 40 nights
I know better than to get u get u all night
I can't help it, I can't help it, no