Lyrics of
Only The Lonley

Each place I go, on - ly the lone - ly go;
Some ver - y small ca - fe.
The songs I know, on - ly the lone - ly know;
Each mel - o - dy
Re - calls a love that used to be.
The dreams I dream, on - ly the lone - ly dream,
Of lips as warm as May.
That hope - less scheme on - ly the lone - ly scheme,
That soon, some - where,
You'll find the one that used to care,
And you'll re - call each fun time.
Those pic - nics at the beach, when love was new,
It well could be the one time
A hope - less lit - tle dream like that comes true.
If you find love, hang on to each ca - ress,
And nev - er let love go;
For when it's gone, you'll know the lone - li - ness,
The heart - break on - ly the lone - ly know