Lyrics of
One Of The Most Famous People

Well you're the first car in an hour or so
I'm glad you stopped in it's sure been slow
Around here today, just like every day
Well I couldn't help but notice your California plates
And I thought I recognized that name
On your credit card, you're a movie star
Well I can't wait to get back home and tell all my buddies
That I met one of the most famous people in the country
Well I only go to movies when I'm down in Bowling Green
The cable don't come out this far so I never watch TV
I know you played in something but I'm gonna need some help
Wait, weren't you in Cannon Ball Run no? oh well
Allow me to introduce myself
You're talking to one of the most fa---mous people in the country
Six-pack, it was wasn't it, you're in that movie six-pack
You look a lot thinner and younger on TV