Lyrics On And On

 When everybody here is out of sight
And I have no one that can be on my side
The blood just wants to rush out,
And I'm going crazy?
When I'm supposed not to run and hide
And almost everything is out of my mind,
The fact that now he's gone,
Is making me crazy?
Everybody is gone, but I'll carry on,
I will face the truth until it's done.
It's my only choice, to stay or to run.
When will you realize, that I have no one?
But I will till keep on standing, even if I fall,
And I will keep going on and on...
Well now that everything is getting fine,
And I have things that I can put on my mind,
I'm starting to carry on,
And nothing is hazy?
And all that I want, Is another moment with you,
And you're forever in my heart?
And all that I want, Is to look into your eyes again?
Everybody is gone, but I'll carry on,
I will face the truth until it's done.
It's my only choice, to stay or to run.
When will you realize, that I have no one?
But I will till keep on standing, even if I fall,
And I will keep going on and on...
And all that I want, Is another moment with you,
And you're forever in my heart?
And all that I want, Is to look into your eyes again?