Lyrics of
Oh My Soul

Oh my heart, I can feel it start
I can hear the sound of heaven's angles
Oh my soul, I can feel it grow
I can hear the sound of new beginnings
Oh my soul, I can hear it grow
I can hear the sound of heaven's angels
Oh this heart, submitted through the dark
Nothing on my own is worth is Jesus
Your voice like thunder shakes the door
The coal in Your hands is Your kiss
I have come, a wretched man
I leave in wonder I'm born again
Oh my soul, I can hear it grow
I can hear the song of a generation
Oh my Lord, the blessing from Your throne
I can see uprooting the desolation
Your voice like thunder shakes the door
The coal in Your hands is Your kiss
I have come, a wretched man
I leave in wonder I'm born again
You know my heart, again I feel Your fire burning
God You know my heart, this time
You know my heart, again I feel Your fire burning
God You know my heart, and oh I feel Your fire burning