Lyrics of
Oer The Water Tae Charlie

Come boat me o'er, come row me o'er
Come boat me o'er to Charlie
I'll gie John Ross another bawbee
Tae ferry me o'er to Charlie
We'll o'er the water, we'll o'er the sea
We'll o'er the water to Charlie
Come weel, come woe, we'll gather and go
And live or die wi' Charlie
I swear by moon and stars so breght
And sun that glances early
If I had twenty thousand lives
I'd lose them a' for Charlie
We'll o'er the water, we'll o'er the sea
We'll o'er the water to Charlie
Come weel, come woe, we'll gather and go
And live or die wi' Charlie
Aince I had sons, but noo I hae nane
I bred them toiling sairly
And I would bear them all again
And lose them a' for Charlie
We'll o'er the water, we'll o'er the sea
We'll o'er the water to Charlie
Come weel, come woe, we'll gather and go
And live or die wi' Charlie