And so a generation?s passed, Annabel married at last
And she had a son she named Edgar but alas
She died when he was 10 his heart was broken but since then
He?s grown and found his darling Fay with whom he wants to wed
The red haired dwarf he had a son when the son turned thirtyone
He stabbed his father so new mob boss he?d become
As his father slowly died he told his son with tear stained eyes
He was the proudest that he?d ever been in his entire life
A cat burglar?s around who is the toast of the whole town
His is the most daring heists ever to abound
In reality in fact it?s two 18 year old girls and
Their pet albatross Simon and a brilliant mouse named Sam
In the Botanist?s Lodge they?ve bred a plant who can think thoughts
It communicates by opening its petals on and off
But alas one day it went into a deep meditative trance
Searching for enlightenment and has not made a move since then