Lyrics of
My Friend Jesus

I have a friend who is so kind and true
One who is faithful and heals Dependable too
One who can make the light anew
He is Jesus He is Christ He is our Lord

That was my friend who came
And left the throne on high
They could find no fault in him
But they sentenced him to die
He is my joy my strength
In him is where all of my hope lies
He is Jesus He is Christ He is our Lord

He is Alpha and Omega
He's the beginning and the end.
He is the first and the last,
He is my Father, He is my friend.
Without Him I would fall
Oh, but with Jesus I can stand.
For He is Jesus He is Christ He is our Lord

That was my friend who went to the garden of Gethsemane and prayed
That was my friend that Judas, for silver betrayed.
That was my friend, whoa, who Peter, through fear denied.
And his name is Jesus, He is Christ, He is our Lord.

He is Alpha and Omega
He's the beginning and the end.
He is the first and the last,
He is my Father, He is my friend.
And without Him I would fall
Oh, but with Jesus every day I can stand.
For He is Jesus He is Christ He is our Lord

He is Jesus He is Christ He is our Lord