Lyrics of
Molly Bawn

'Tis I am sad and lonely down in the distant
The happy dreams of boyhood years at night
disturb my rest;
For it's in this weary heart of mine to
forget it ne'er shall be,
Of the days I spent with Molly Bawn a-boating
on Loch Ri.
She was young and beautiful,as gentle as the
Her eyes they shone like diamonds bright,like
stars at early dawn;
A smile she had for every lad but her love
was all for me,
When first I gazed on Molly Bawn a-boating
on Loch Ri.
And when she said she'd be my bride, how
happy then was I,
The pleasant dreams of boyhood years, how
swiftly they've flown by;
The heaven light shone in her eyes, she was
too good for me,
An angel claimed her for his own and took her
from Loch Ri.
Oh, I have lived the stormy life, my hair is
a silvery hue
A plaintive voice rings in my ear in tones I
can't sub- due,
A lovely form still lingers there and a face
I think I see;
Oh,that's the face of Molly Bawn a-boating
on Loch Ri.