Lyrics of
Merry Xmas Everybody

Are you hanging up yer stock_ings on_ the wall__
It's the time that ev'ry San_ta has_ a ball__
Does he ride a red nosed rein_deer
Do a ton upon his sleigh_
So here it is__ merry x_mas ev-e-ry-body's having fun_
Are you waiting for yer fam_'ly to_ arrive__
Are you sure you've got the room_ to spare_ in-side__
Does yer granny always tell_ ya
That the old songs are the best_
So here it is__ merry x_mas ev'ry-body's having fun_
What will your Daddy do_ if he catches Nan_na kissing San_ta?
Are-you hanging up yer stock_ings on_ the wall__
Are you hoping that the snow_ will start_ to fall__
Do you ride on down the hill_side
In a buggy you have made_
So here it is__ merry x_mas ev'ry-body's having fun_
So here it is__ merry x_mas ev'ry-body's having fun_
So here it is__ merry x_mas ev'ry-body's having fun_
A x02220