Lyrics of

No body likes us, at this party
No one likes us on this couch
We can't stop eating the candy, we can't stop making out
The girl in the corner knows a story about the first night we met
She keeps asking 'why aren't you together yet
And I've got my hands in your heart
You've got your hands in my hair
I don't know these people, let them stare
And I've got you wrapped around my finger
You've got me wrapped up in your chest
We keep whisperin' 'why aren't we together yet.
Should we get married, tonight
Once we've drank up the wine
Would you marry me and always be mine
It's such a nice night in Brooklyn
And we shouldn't be alone
Let's get married, baby, married and go home.
And the moon could be our witness,
And north fifth street the isle
And when we kiss the stars will cheer and cry and smile
Our friends will feel left out
And our parents had no warning
But we'll call them with the good news in the morning.
Ohhh Ohh
I don't really wanna be at this party anymore
Running outta jellybeans and there's no one left to call
We don't wanna be at this party anymore
Make up lies and say goodbyes and meet me at the door
Let's get married, baby, married and go home.