Lyrics of
Man Of Steel

My daddy died when I was three
And that kinda left me all alone
My wife took off after our first child
Lord my kind of rambaling life wasn't
her kind of style , So I Kinda got
toughend up and hard and learned
not to feel , And they started calling me
The man of steel .
My friends all call me superman
I never let nobody get the upper hand
Lord I dont know what Im gonna do
The Man of Steel done got the blues
No woman ever got the best of me
I could walk right out with ease
Untill I fell in love and then she
walked out
The man of steel got melted down
Now I can't sleep and I can't eat
Can't watch no love scenes on tv
Lord I dont know what Im going to do
The man of steel gonna have to play the
Now I've been hurt inside and out
Some of you know what im talking about
You'll think your poor heart will never
And you'll wish you were the man of steel