Lyrics of
Little Women - Off To Massachusetts

If you say come with me off to Massachusetts,
then to Massachusetts we will go
We will buy dishes there, maybe even two sets
Buy the finest china then we'll dine a while on
crepe suzettes
We will build model boats off in Massachusetts
There in Massachusetts by the bay
Put them together and wait until the glue sets
Mr. Lawrence:
Mr. Lawrence:
To Massachusetts
Yes, we're off
Mr. Lawrence:
To where the shops are sweet
We will play minuets off in Massachusetts
Boston, Massachusetts, Beacon Street
If you say come with me
then to Massachusetts we will go
We will buy dishes there
Buy the finest china then we'll dine a while on
crepe suzettes
Off to Massachusetts
Yes, we're off to where the shops are sweet
We will have no regrets off in Massachusetts
Mr. Lawrence:
Boston, Massachusetts we-
Boston, Massachusetts we-
Boston, Massachusetts we repeat!