Lyrics of
Last Train Home

If you wanna roll me
Then you gotta roll me all night long
And if you wanna use me
Then you gotta use me till I'm gone

I'm not a fallen angel, I just fell behind
I'm outta luck and I'm outta time
If you don't wanna love me, let me go
I'm runnin for the last train
I'm runnin for the last train home

If you wanna know me
Then you gotta know me through and through
And if you're gonna hurt me
Then you gotta hold me next to you

No matter how you work it, things go wrong
I put my heart where it don't belong
So if you're coming with me, let me know
Maybe you're the last train
Maybe you're the the last train home

(I'm on the last train runnin')
(I'm on the last train runnin')
(And I surrender)
(And I surrender)
(I'm on the last train runnin')
(I'm on the last train runnin')
(And I surrender)
(And I surrender)
(I'm on the last train runnin')
(I'm on the last train runnin')
(And I surrender)
(And I surrender)
(I'm on the last train runnin')
(I'm on the last train runnin')
(And I surrender)
(And I surrender)