Lyrics of
Just A Matter Of Time

There was a time
You had no need for rhythm or rhyme
The world seemed so wild and so free
Just wrapped yourself up in a dream
All you had to do was believe
And nothing was out of your reach
So sure how it all falls in line
Just a matter of time
Just a matter of time
Then you wake up one day
All your dreams somehow faded away
The road that you followed it turned
Can't find where the fire once burned
Can't look yourself straight in the eyes
In your heart of hearts you've compromised.
Baby one day we'll all cross that line
It's just a matter of time
Just a matter of time
All alone in the still of the night
You come face to face with your pride
And how much you wanted it all
Can't believe now you're taking the fall
Then you reach out one day
To the light of a new dawning day
You take just one small grain of sand
Right into the palm of your hand
And maybe you find in the end
You're able to dream once again
And baby you fall back in line
It's just a matter of time
Just a matter of time
It's just a matter of time
Just a matter of time
Just a matter of time